Tank States

Like other model elements, tanks use states to test and track statistics. ProModel automatically sets these states when you use the predefined tank subroutines to control the tank. The following are defined states:

Tank_Idle The tank is empty and not in use. Set automatically when a tank empties and at the end of a Tank_DoPrep or Tank_GoDown subroutine.

Tank_Operation The tank is active (e.g., mixing, reacting, heating). Set automatically when the model calls the Tank_DoOperation subroutine.

Tank_Setup The tank is cleaning or preparing for future use. Set automatically whenever you call the Tank_Prep subroutine.

Tank_Filling The tank is filling. Set automatically whenever you fill the tank.

Tank_Emptying The tank is emptying. Set automatically whenever you empty the tank.

Tank_Blocked The tank is full and ready to transfer. Set automatically when the tank fills to capacity.

Tank_Down The tank is down. Set automatically whenever you call Tank_GoDown.

Tank_ScheduledDown Similar to the Tank_Down state, except statistics are not collected.

While ProModel sets these states automatically, you may change the state of the tank at any time by calling the Tank_SetState subroutine. ProModel records statistics for these states in the output report under Locations. Since a tank may fill and empty simultaneously, the output report combines Tank_Filling with Tank_Emptying and reports it all as waiting time.